Target Industry Analysis & Economic Development Strategy
Target Industry Analysis & Economic Development Strategy
Pikeville, KY
RGDE completed the economic development strategy, along with housing, retail, office, and sports facility market analyses for Pikeville, KY as inputs to the city’s comprehensive plan. Pikeville has a strong financial and institutional base that creates jobs in an otherwise economically-depressed Appalachian region of eastern Kentucky. Impacted by the downturn in the coal mining industry, Pikeville sought ways to diversify and grow its local economy. Mr. Gross completed a Target Industry Analysis that identified prospective industry targets for business expansion and recruitment. He determined that the isolated location has an opportunity in development of the city’s airport, which offers opportunities to enhance linkages for high-value shipments, and high-speed internet that provides global exposure for local online commerce. Industrial development will also geared more successfully to niche specialty industries without just-in-time competitive requirements. Mr. Gross completed this work as part of a team led by Integrated Engineering.