Livingston Place Lodging & Conference Center Business Plan
Livingston Place Lodging & Conference Center Business Plan
Tallahassee, FL
Randall Gross / Development Economics (RGDE) worked for Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy on a strategic Business Plan for reuse of the historic Dixie Plantation House (now known as Livingston Place), located about 35 miles east of Tallahassee. RGDE completed a market analysis, feasibility assessment, and strategic business plan for the house and associated grounds. Tall Timbers has an environmental education mission related to forest fire ecology, and the purpose of the assignment is to determine the best uses for the mansion consistent with the organization’s mission and historic uses such as a quail hunting lodge, while generating revenue to support its sustainable lodging & event center operations and maintenance. RGDE completed a needs assessment and market analysis to forecast the potential lodging and event utilization schedules, and to determine ways to optimize the financial sustainability of the proposed use program. Based on these findings, he developed a strategic plan for sustainable lodging and event use of the facility.