Johannesburg Art Gallery Strategic Plan
Johannesburg Art Gallery Strategic Plan
Johannesburg, South Africa
Mr. Gross and his South African branch firm, ADEC worked on the Strategic Plan for the Johannesburg Art Gallery, one of Africa’s largest and most prominent art museums. The gallery houses valuable collections of Western art including works by Picasso, Rembrandt, de Goya, Toulouse-Lautrec, Rodin, Monet and others in addition to exquisite African traditional art and cultural artifacts. Despite its stature, the museum suffers from deteriorating physical conditions and a rapid escalation of costs at the same time that funding for municipal museums is being drastically reduced. Mr. Gross and ADEC have developed a strategic plan that carries the museum beyond its 100th anniversary into the digital age, and addresses key issues with respect to funding, development and programmatic outreach in a cash-strapped municipal museum environment.