Downtown Russellville Market Analysis


Downtown Russellville Market Analysis

Russellville, AR

Mr. Gross completed a market analysis as input to a Downtown Master Plan as part of a team led by The Walker Collaborative. As part of this work, Mr. Gross forecasted the market potentials for retail and restaurants in the downtown area and participated in a charrette to determine the appropriate development plan and concepts for marketing downtown. As an outcome from this analysis, Mr. Gross determined that demand for restaurants downtown, and overall revitalization, was dependent to a large degree on the ability of the city to secure liquor licensing for the downtown area. A strategy was developed to create a special district where liquor by the drink would be allowed through a community partnership. Mr. Gross also examined potential for development within the El Paso Corridor connecting Downtown with the campus of Arkansas Tech University. Streetscaping and urban design improvements have since been implemented in this corridor.