Downtown Revitalization Market Analysis, Impacts, and Strategic Planning Services


Downtown Revitalization Market Analysis, Impacts, and Strategic Planning Services

Clarksville, TN

RGDE recently worked for the Two Rivers Company (the Clarksville Downtown agency), providing economic and real estate advisory services relating to revitalization of Downtown Clarksville, a city of 150,000 people in north-central Tennessee. Mr. Gross conducted a Downtown Market Analysis for the City of Clarksville that forecasted the potentials for retail, housing, office and hotel development in the downtown area. He also examined the economic impacts and return on investment from public development of a proposed new Civic Square in downtown Clarksville. The new square is envisioned as a catalyst for development and revitalization of downtown. Randall Gross / Development Economics then provided a Strategic Plan for downtown revitalization, including recommendations for development, marketing, financing, and management. He is also slated to conduct direct outreach to potential tenants and developers to ascertain the location requirements and to ensure public programs and incentives relate directly to the requirements for revitalization. He has advised the TRC on how best to leverage development. Finally, Mr. Gross was hired by Austin Peay State University (APSU) in follow-up strategic planning for development of the College Street Corridor in Downtown Clarksville.