Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Memphis Region, TN
Mr. Gross completed work on a comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) for the six-county region covered by the Memphis Area Association of Governments (MAAG). This work was funded through a grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). Mr. Gross worked with diverse stakeholders throughout the region on visioning for economic development. He conducted an economic baseline assessment and analyzed the workforce and skills base. He also conducted a target industrial assessment to identify the most relevant opportunities for regional economic development. He also assessed more specific opportunities within each of the counties and communities that comprise the region, (with a particular focus on corridor development), and provided a comprehensive strategy that addresses workforce development, marketing and business recruitment, infrastructure, and community economic development. The Memphis region includes not only the large, urban city of Memphis but also suburban communities and vast rural areas and agricultural communities with very diverse needs. More recently, RGDE assisted MAAG with an update of the 2016 CEDS.