Cayce Place Redevelopment Plan
Cayce Place Redevelopment Plan
Nashville, TN
Randall Gross / Development Economics (RGDE) worked as part of a planning team led by EJP on a redevelopment plan for the Cayce Place public housing development in east Nashville. Cayce is the largest of Nashville’s public housing developments. Cayce Place has a high concentration of poverty, unemployment and social ills but also has a tremendous resource in human capital and a strategic location just across the Cumberland River from Downtown. As part of his work on this team, RGDE assessed the market potentials for mixed-income housing but also of commercial uses and entrepreneurial development that can help anchor revitalization in the broader neighborhood. The work was completed for the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency (MDHA).
Mr. Gross completed similar housing and retail market analysis and strategic planning work more recently on redevelopment of Sudekum and Napier public housing developments in Nashville for MDHA.