Aloe Bay Working Waterfront Hotel Market Analysis
Aloe Bay Working Waterfront Hotel Market Analysis
Dauphin Island, AL
Randall Gross / Development Economics (RGDE) completed a hotel market analysis as part of broader market analysis, fiscal impact assessment, and strategic planning for a master plan to create a new town center in the resort community of Dauphin Island. Mr. Gross analyzed the potential for hotel development as an anchor for revitalization and development of the Aloe Bay waterfront. Development of Aloe Bay is seen as an opportunity for Dauphin Island to diversify its fiscal base away from a dependency on more flood-prone resort housing areas on the island. Mr. Gross determined that there is potential for development of a “boutique” lodging facility as part of a broader working waterfront development effort including a fresh fish market, restaurants, retail, and working waterfront industrial uses. He completed this work as a subconsultant to GMC engineers on behalf of the Town of Dauphin Island.